Stage Management
Measure for Measure, Stage Manager, Enter Messenger Theater, 2018
Wonder of the World, Stage Manager, Third Act Productions at Savannah College of Art and Design, Directed by Robby Distasio, 2017
The Egg Salesman, Stage Manager, Ochre House Theatre, Directed by Matthew Posey, 2015
John Michael and the Order of the Penix, Director/Stage Manager, The Margo Jones Theater, 2015
Another Murder, Another Show!, Run Crew, Pegasus Theatre, Directed by Michael Serrecchia, 2014/2015.
Helping Hands and Hyena Haikus: A Benefit for Matt Tomlanovich, Stage Manager, Margo Jones Theatre, Produced by Erin Singleton, 2014
The Watch, Stage Manager, Churchmouse Productions at the Festival of Independent Theatres, Directed by Jordan Willis, 2014
On The Eve, Production Assistant, Theatre Three, Directed by Jeff Schmidt, 2014
Hate Mail, Stage Manager, Churchmouse Productions, Directed by Jared Culpepper, 2013
Staged Reading: Our Breakfast, Stage Manager, Nouveau 47, Directed by Eric Devlin, 2013
John Michael and the Order of the Penix, Stage Manager, Nouveau 47, Co- Directed with Matt Tomlanovich, 2013
On The Eve, Assistant Stage Manager, Nouveau 47, Directed by Jeffrey Schmidt, 2012
Do You Hear The People Sing?, Stage Manager, American Airlines Center, Directed by Jen Bender, 2012
Would You Like Guys With That? And O-69, Stage Manager, Nouveau 47, John Michael, November 14, 2011
Reckless, Stage Manager, UTD University Theater, Directed by Jeff Stover, 2011
Barefoot in the Park, Assistant Stage Manager, Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, Directed by Cynthia Hestand, 2010
The Blue Moon Dancing, Assistant Stage Manager, Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, Directed by Cheryl Denson, 2010